
#099: Pet Therapy Found Neil and Breezy the Beagle

by | September 4, 2023 | Therapy Dog Talk

Therapy Dog Talk - Neil + Breezy

Neil has a lot to share on how pet therapy found him and his rescued Beagle named Breezy.

In this 99th episode of Therapy Dog Talk, I chat with with Neil to discuss his Beagle Breezy’s extraordinary evolution. Starting as a rescue dog, Breezy rose to become an AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished (THDD), a journey that has not only changed lives, through his 700+ visits with Paws for Friendship, but also illustrated the profound impact and legacy of pet therapy.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll hear:

A Legacy of Service: Neil and Breezy’s commitment to therapy work, marked by over 700 visits, demonstrates the significant difference a dedicated Therapy Dog can make. Their story is a testament to their unwavering dedication and the lasting comfort they’ve provided to countless individuals.

From Rescue to Recognition: The episode explores Breezy’s inspiring transition from a rescue dog to receiving one of the highest honors in the Therapy Dog world. This narrative showcases the incredible potential and transformative power inherent in every dog, highlighting how they can make a significant impact in various capacities.

The Essence of Pet Therapy: The deep bond between Neil and Breezy underscores the core of pet therapy – the mutually beneficial and compassionate relationships formed. Even as they take a break from active volunteering due to Breezy’s health, their story remains a source of motivation and illustrates the vital role of Therapy Dogs in healing and companionship.

This episode with Neil and Breezy offers a unique blend of insight and real-world experiences. Their journey isn’t just an eye-opener; it’s packed with valuable lessons and perspectives. For dog enthusiasts, those curious about pet therapy roles, or anyone who appreciates stories of transformation and impact, this episode is definitely worth your time.

Don’t forget to check out their documentary Eight Weeks in April and keep up with Neil and Breezy’s continuing story on Instagram at @BreezyTheTherapyDog. If you’re considering the path of Therapy Dog work, their experiences might just be the inspiration you need to get started.

Tune in to this episode, enjoy the stories Neil shared, and you may find yourself inspired, contemplating the potential in your own furry companion to take a similar path as Breezy.

In this episode, we discuss …

  • Neil and Breezy’s impressive record of over 700 therapy visits and their lasting impact.
  • Breezy’s journey from a rescue to achieving the AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished title.
  • The strong bond between Neil and Breezy, highlighting the essence of pet therapy.

Key moments you won’t want to miss:

Note that the timecodes match the video, not the podcast.

  • [00:01:37] Introducing Neil and Breezy: Neil expresses gratitude for the therapy dog community platform and introduces his Beagle, Breezy, detailing their escape from a hurricane and their significant contributions through Paws for Friendship with over 700 pet therapy visits. 
  • [00:04:29] Breezy’s Health Battle: Neil shares Breezy’s diagnosis with B-Cell Lymphoma, their break from pet therapy during his treatments, and requests listeners’ prayers for Breezy’s health as they hope to return to volunteering. 
  • [00:08:08] Discovering Pet Therapy: Neil recounts how Breezy displayed a natural aptitude for therapy work, leading to their recruitment at a local dog event by a therapy organization. 
  • [00:09:05] Evaluation Day Success: Neil tells the story of Breezy’s evaluation for pet therapy, where his innate abilities as a therapy dog led to an immediate and lasting commitment to their new volunteer role. 
  • [00:12:08] Breezy’s Innate Therapeutic Presence: Sherrie prompts a discussion about whether Neil had witnessed Breezy’s therapeutic interactions before, leading to insights about Breezy’s natural gift for connecting with people. 
  • [00:14:00] Learning from Other Therapy Dogs: Neil reflects on the mentorship between Breezy and Penny, another therapy dog, and the profound influence this had on Breezy’s development and service. 
  • [00:16:14] A Profound Hospice Visit: Neil shares an impactful story about Breezy’s visit with Tom, a hospice patient, showcasing the deep emotional connections formed through therapy work. 
  • [00:18:46] Breezy’s Journey to Fame: Neil talks about Breezy’s evolution from a rescue to a celebrated therapy dog, and the joy he finds in sharing their story through his documentary, “Eight Weeks in April.” 
  • [00:19:06] Advice for Aspiring Therapy Teams: Neil provides guidance for future therapy dog handlers on the importance of socializing and understanding their dogs to prepare for therapy work. 
  • [00:21:50] Connecting with the Community: Neil discusses joining Instagram to share more about Breezy’s therapy work and life, inviting listeners to follow their journey at @BreezyTheTherapyDog.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I do. Give it a watch or a listen and then let me know in the community which part you found the most helpful!

Mentioned in this episode:

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Therapy Dog Talk is a podcast where I interview a different team each week via Instagram Live. If you enjoyed this episode please find us over at Apple, Google, or Spotify and give us a follow after you leave a review.

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