Harnessing Optimism: Mindset Shifts for Successful Therapy Dog Teams

Join us for this live, hands-on (and paws, too) virtual workshop.

Here is what you'll learn:

Let me give you a sneak peek into what we're going to explore together:

  1. Understanding Optimism: We'll kick things off by chatting about optimism. We'll unravel what it means and why it’s as vital as those tasty treats you use during training. Optimism is more than just a sunny outlook - it's the secret ingredient to our mental health and our dogs'.
  2. The Power of Optimism in Therapy Dog Teams: Then, we'll dive into the heart of the matter. How can optimism supercharge our therapy dog teams? It’s not just about getting your dog to sit or stay, it’s about filling every interaction with positivity, hope, and anticipation of good things.
  3. Creating Your Optimism Story: You ready to get a little introspective? We'll sit down together and dig into your optimism story. What does optimism look like in your therapy dog work? How has it transformed your journey? Let's find out.
  4. Practicing Harnessing Optimism: Here's where the rubber meets the road. We'll roll up our sleeves and dive into some hands-on exercises that can help both you and your dog embrace optimism more fully. It’s like a playdate, but even more rewarding.

At the end of the webinar, we’ll have a Q&A session, so you won't leave with any unanswered questions.

(And yes, I'll spend about 5 minutes telling you about my upcoming course.)

So, unleash your pup, get comfortable, and let's navigate the path of optimism in our therapy dog work. Sign up today. I can’t wait to see you and your pup there!

Presented by

Sherrie Rohde,

June 23, 2023
1:00pm Pacific Time

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